Anti-Keylogger.Net / Academic Users

Academic Users

Educational Discounts

Many schools and educational institutions have asked us to offer inexpensive multi-user and single user licenses of our software products.

We are pleased to announce that accredited educational institutions can now purchase our products with a 30 to 50% discount off the regular prices.

Please complete the form below to have a Spydex sales representative contact you.

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Purchased quantity:*
Your name:*
Job title:
E-mail address:*
Company name:
Business address:*
State or province:
ZIP code:*
Additional information:

Fields marked with an * are required.

If you are a student...

You're a student and want to buy our product(s) for your personal use? Not a problem! You can get even better prices.

Scan your student ID card (if your school ID doesn't have your photo on it, you'll also need to scan a copy of your driver's license or passport with your photo), print the scanned image (or just make a photocopy), and write the following below the image:

"I certify that I'm a student of <educational institution name>."

Write the date, your full name, and sign the document.

Fax it us and send us an e-mail saying which product(s) you'd like to buy. That's it! We'll e-mail you back with detailed payment instructions.

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